Route 66 : Williams, AZ. – Kayenta, AZ.

October 6, 2017. We actually will not go on the Route 66 for the next couple of  days as we are making a loop in Arizona.

We had an early start and stopped at an American diner to have breakfast. Below you’ll see Ines and John standing next to Betty Boop.

After that we drove off to The Grand Canyon National  Park, the South Rim. Very impressive !

On the first picture below you’ll see Chris and Jo, on the second Ines, Cris and me.

We went for a walk on the South Rim and took the shuttle back to the parking lot.

After that, straight to the hotel in Kayenta via a nice route.


6 gedachten over “Route 66 : Williams, AZ. – Kayenta, AZ.

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  1. Wat een fantastische reis, prachtige foto’s, om nooit te vergeten …. we kijken elke dag uit naar jullie reisverslag, veel plezier nog!


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