Route 66 : Springfield, Mo – Tulsa, OK.

September 27, 2017.  Happy birthday to Luc Laenens !

For the first time on our trip it was raining. Well, the cars needed a wash anyway.

We headed to a little town, Carthage, where we had lunch and met a couple of ladies who asked whether we wouldn’t mind telling the local press about our roadtrip. They thought it was amazing that we travelled all the way from New York to Los Angeles ! So, the local reporter arrived and did an interview with John and Cris. We start to get a lot of attention ! Would CNN pick this up ?

Some more impressions of the day : a drive inn, Brush Creek Bridge, restored petrol station, antique shop etc …. We even went off road for a couple of miles !

Before it went dark we absolutely wanted to see the Blue Whale, a roadside attraction on Route 66. Kitsch van de bovenste plank !


We kwamen ook kabouter Plop tegen (= links op de foto) en kabouter Plop (rechts op de foto).


What a lovely day again .



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